Reports from Swaziland

Just another weblog

A post to tide you over!

by on July 26, 2010
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’m currently working on a longer blog post to make up for lost time, but I just wanted to give you a quick update- Ben and I are indeed still surviving here in Swaziland, no need to worry! I apologize for not having updated the blog in so long, but I haven’t even figured out yet how the past few weeks have flown by. While wrapping up our internship, we’ve spent our time getting design feedback in places from the rural Hlatikulu BIPAI clinic to the mobile outreach van of Gone Rural BoMake, and more lesiurely taking in the views from the top of Swaziland’s Sibebe Rock to the guided night safari of Kruger National Park. Saying that our time here has not been filled with a variety of experiences would be completely inaccurate… I’m still enjoying it as much as ever, and I can’t believe our time is coming to a close so soon!

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