Familiar Faces in Swaziland!
It seemed like Dr. Kortum and Dr. Oden just whizzed through Swaziland… in our one day together we had multiple productive meetings, including meetings with CHAI, EGPAF, ICAP, and Baylor. They brought a number of technologies that we all believed would align with the goals of these respective organizations. We are going to meet with EGPAF again next Monday as they expressed interest in pill and liquid adherence methods. Also, we delivered the 30 sets of pill adherence charts to ICAP- our next steps on this front are developing a job aid for the pill adherence chart and getting the job aid translated into Siswati. Overall, it was a great visit , and we really enjoyed seeing them here!
In other news, we finally put the English version of our family planning brochure out in the clinic for use! We also gave the family planning brochure to some of the expert clients and nurses for translation into Siswati, but they said that some of the concepts were slightly difficult to convey in Siswati. The nurse manager said that she would help translate the difficult parts, and she also said that it would be best to have the Siswati version of the brochure get reviewed by the Health Promotions Unit (HPU) of the Swaziland Ministry of Health before giving it out in the clinic (she already started talking with them about this). We also have been in contact with CHAI about these brochures and with their help, we set up a meeting with HPU on Monday.